Saturday, December 30, 2006

He's at it Again!

Beaker managed to show up one night during our Christmas visit. I turned off all the kitchen lights and laid down to go to sleep when the kitchen light was turned on again. I looked around to see if someone was hiding to play a trick on me, but no one was there. Everyone else in the house was in bed with their doors closed and asleep. And the light switch was still in the off position.

There is only one possible explanation . . . . . .BEAKER!

(Freaky things started to happen to my computer when I was trying to post this incident.)


Unknown said...

Maybe That Freaky Thing was freaked out by you guys being there. Caught him unawares as he was trying to get a snack.

Kimberly said...

It happened again this morning!

Kimberly said...

Jan. 7, 2007. It happened AGAIN!