Here she is! She lost her apple in the past 10 years though. It's one of those gifts from my parents that I couldn't quite understand and after 7 or 8 years, I started to like her. (She used to have a bigger nut for her nose like yours, but that fell out too, so I put one of her other ones in it's place. Looks nasty close up though!)
That troll is GREAT! I was hoping you'd post a picture. I can't wait to show my kids.
That's a great troll!
Do you really sell those things in the Freaky things for sale thing? Like the dog t-shirt?
Yeah, you really can buy those things! It's done through the CafePress site.
Do you make them? Are you famous?
My dream is to see Freaky Thing merchandise in every store and on every man, woman, child, and dog!
Seriously, all you have to do is upload a picture to the Cafe Press site, and they put it on stuff for you (if someone orders it). I didn't have to pay anything to set it up, either.
Oh...I thought you had a little sweatshop going somewhere! I bet it would be a hit - look at Napoleon! You should put him on Ebay and see! haha
Do you make any money? Sorry I'm so nosy! Maybe we could all wear them for the next big Haymond reunion.
If somebody bought something I would make a little bit of money. But (sniff!) no one seems to want to sport Freaky Thing merchandise. (sniff!) I can't figure out why...
Oh man...I hate to hear you crying. I think Tug would love a shirt and Carl, and Howard, and my students, and my family... Wow, I am going to get all my Christmas shopping done now!
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