Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Monday, October 30, 2006

Costume Dilemma?

Don't know what to be for Halloween? A Freaky Beaker costume is easy to make! Just get some old pantyhose. Cut off one leg. To make the hair, attach a powder puff or some yarn to the toe of the leg you just cut off of the pantyhose. Now, sew on some ping pong balls for the eyes. Pull the stocking over your head. Now you're the Freaky Thing!

Friday, October 27, 2006

This is the latest picture of Luca. You can see her hair is starting to lay down a little bit. My dd had the doll's head wrapped up in a "turban".

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Now THAT'S Freaky!

Baby Love and Grow

Have you seen the commercials for this doll?
My oldest son is absolutely freaked out by it. He says it is too freaky to have a doll that grows. His older sister loves to torture him by pretending to be the doll. She will come crawling down the hall, towards her brother. She will then gradually move up into a walking position (actually, walking on her knees) and hold her arms out to her brother and say, "Mama! Mama!"
Oooo! He hates it when she does that!

Is the Freaky Thing restless?

We recently bought a new microwave. We had it in our home for 2 days before it started acting up. It would turn on all by itself, and wouldn't turn off -- no matter which buttons we pushed! Of course, we immediately returned the faulty microwave to the store we bought it from. The lady at the customer service counter told us she thought it was a ghost that was making our microwave act that way. She then proceeded to tell us about the ghostly encounters she and her family had had in a house they used to live in. We smiled politely and nodded our heads in all the right places. But, we knew better. It wasn't a ghost. It was our own loveable Beaker!

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Who would want a frowning doll?

I was given this doll as a gag gift when I was in high school or college. The doll was named Luca, after the Suzanne Vega song, "Hello, My Name is Luca". (You know, "My name is Luca....I live on the second floor....I live upstairs from you....yes, I think you've seen me before.")

This doll is slightly freaky just because it is frowny. Why would someone make a doll like that? Better yet, why would someone BUY a doll like that?

It's hair drives my daughter crazy because it is sticking straight up. She is on a mission to make the doll's hair lay down and has tried several different contraptions to help it on it's way. I will post more photos as the hairdo progresses.

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Freaky Geeks

On the side bar, click on the link that says "More Freaky Things for Sale".
Then, in the search box, select the category "Toys & Games".
In the box below that, type in "freaky" and do a search. Look at the faces of the "Freaky Geeks". How funny!!!!


Don't forget to check the section on the side bar labeled "Previous Posts". That way you can catch up on anything you may have missed!

50 Dark Movies

M&M's has a new web game called "50 Dark Movies, Hidden in a Painting". Have you played yet? If you haven't, you should check it out.


Thursday, October 19, 2006

Two Identical Pictures


There are two identical pictures that will appear on the screen.
Almost 8,000 people were tested to see if they could find the 3 differences in the two pictures and only 19 found all 3. See how observant you are. If you find all 3, you're one of very few people who are able to do this.


CAUTION: Do not read the comments to this post until you have done this test!

Freaky Dreams

Today my oldest son told me that he keeps having dreams about me being frozen in ice. The dreams are never the same twice, but I am always frozen in ice and he has to figure out how to unfreeze me.


He said he also has dreams about trying to swim away from an alligator. If the gator catches him, it turns out that it is just me in the alligator skin.

What kind of weird and freaky dreams have you had?

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

I just noticed...

Doesn't it look like his eye has popped out of the socket?


Monday, October 16, 2006


Looking around, I have noticed that there are some other Freaky Things roaming around our home. Pictures will be posted soon........

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Laughter is the Best Medicine

I used to collect dolls, and That Freaky Thing shared the shelves with the rest of the dolls in my collection. My best friend in high school used to break into uncontrollable laughter every time she walked into my room and saw that Freaky Thing sitting there. She would laugh and laugh so hard she could barely breathe. She asked for a photograph of the doll, and taped it to the inside of her locker at school. That way she would be guaranteed a good belly laugh every day!

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

How did that freaky thing get it's name?

I didn't purposely make the doll look like any particular character, and I don't remember who first started calling it "Beaker". I am sure the inspiration for the name came from the Muppet character, though. They do sort of look alike:

Of course, he kind of looks like Napoleon Dynamite, too.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

That Freaky Thing

Just in time for Halloween!

"Freaky Thing" products can be obtained here !!!

Also.....check the side bar for more fun & freaky things!

Saturday, October 07, 2006

How did that freaky thing get the name 'Beaker'?

How the Freaky Thing got it's Start

The Freaky Thing was created in 1979. Lucky for you, I was an avid diary-writer when I was a child. The first mention of The Freaky Thing was in February of that year. It says simply, "I made a 'monster' doll for art in school. It was funny looking."

The next entry about the doll was in March of that same year. It says, "Today our whole family went to the youth fair. I entered four things in the fair. They are a doll made out of nylon stockings, a picture of three unicorns, a project on the salmon life cycle, and a poem about quietness. My doll got a First Place Ribbon..."

So, The Freaky Thing is first place material!

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Stay tuned ......

more coming soon.
Recent visitors to our home have noticed some strange happenings:

The refrigerator opening and closing when no one is in the kitchen....

Strange footsteps creeping down the hallway in the middle of the night.....

The front door opening when everyone is supposed to be sound asleep.

Is it a sneaky child?

A wayward criminal?

A ghostly apparition?

After several complaints from otherwise satisfied guests, we decided to find out, once and for all.

And came to the conclusion that it must be this creature:

We have taken to calling him BEAKER JR.

Whatever you may choose to call him is up to you.

But if you ever hear soft footsteps padding down your hallway when no one else is around, beware.
Or if the sounds of the crickets suddenly become louder as you are drifting off to sleep one night, it is because your front door is opening, and what has entered is your WORST NIGHTMARE!

Here it is.....

That freaky thing.