Thursday, October 05, 2006

Recent visitors to our home have noticed some strange happenings:

The refrigerator opening and closing when no one is in the kitchen....

Strange footsteps creeping down the hallway in the middle of the night.....

The front door opening when everyone is supposed to be sound asleep.

Is it a sneaky child?

A wayward criminal?

A ghostly apparition?

After several complaints from otherwise satisfied guests, we decided to find out, once and for all.

And came to the conclusion that it must be this creature:

We have taken to calling him BEAKER JR.

Whatever you may choose to call him is up to you.

But if you ever hear soft footsteps padding down your hallway when no one else is around, beware.
Or if the sounds of the crickets suddenly become louder as you are drifting off to sleep one night, it is because your front door is opening, and what has entered is your WORST NIGHTMARE!


Kimberly said...

This really is true! Both of my parents and one of my brothers have all reported hearing or seeing these strange things while spending the night in our home. Our youngest son has reported seeing some strange things, too. (Creepy!) Now, of course we've never actually seen "Beaker" walking around our home. (My dad claims he's seen the shadow of Beakers legs walking around, though.) Whenever something unexplained happens at our house, though, it is a family joke to just say, "It must've been Beaker."

Unknown said...

Once we lived in an apartment and the unit directly above us was vacant. Sometimes we heard a person, or something, walking around at night up there when we knew nobody was there. Maybe it was That Freaky Thing.