Saturday, October 07, 2006

How the Freaky Thing got it's Start

The Freaky Thing was created in 1979. Lucky for you, I was an avid diary-writer when I was a child. The first mention of The Freaky Thing was in February of that year. It says simply, "I made a 'monster' doll for art in school. It was funny looking."

The next entry about the doll was in March of that same year. It says, "Today our whole family went to the youth fair. I entered four things in the fair. They are a doll made out of nylon stockings, a picture of three unicorns, a project on the salmon life cycle, and a poem about quietness. My doll got a First Place Ribbon..."

So, The Freaky Thing is first place material!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I knew there was something special about him.